Positive Daily Mantras to Banish Depression and Bolster Self-Esteem
The words you use when you're talking with yourself have a significant impact on your well-being. Too often, we can be uncaring or even cruel to ourselves without even realizing it. Mantras provide a way to focus on kindness and self-care.
Do Mantras Really Make a Difference?
Mantra means "mind projection." Using mantras provides a way to build truth within your own thought processes. Many people who suffered verbal abuse in the past may have internalized a negative pattern of language, and they continue to use it in their self-talk without considering if those words are true, fair or kind. If you've struggled to be more gentle with yourself during talk therapy, mantras are a way to bring your therapy home.
Anxiety and stress can make your life miserable, and cruel self-talk only adds to this suffering. Depression comes in many forms, and it's difficult to treat them all with medication. You are deserving of kindness and are entitled to a happy life. Using mantras to guide your self-talk toward the things in life you truly desire is a great way to frame your days.
Mantras to Feel Good
Mantras don't have to be chanted or spoken in a language you don't understand. Instead, study the work of great authors and wise thinkers to help you build a stock of healthy thoughts to focus on during your daily activities. American Tibetan Buddhist Pema Chodron encourages us to remember that, "It isn't what happens to us that causes us to suffer; it's what we say to ourselves about what happens."
Author David Wolfe changes an old adage to avoid comparison: "If the grass looks greener on the other side, start watering the grass you're standing on. Stop comparing!" Each action you take is a vote for the future you want to build. If you want to be treated well by others, treat yourself well with kind thoughts about your goals, your efforts and your ability to risk making mistakes to build a better life.
Mantras to Look Good
Joy is contagious. There are many mantras to boost your self-confidence, such as, "I'm an awesome person with an awesome life." As you internalize what a truly remarkable person you are, you can start to appreciate just how unique everyone around you is as well.
Some other mantras you can use include the following:
- I am a superstar!
- Good is coming my way.
- I deserve great health and am striving to build it.
- I deserve pleasure.
- I am enough.
One of the remarkable things about our brains, minds, and imaginations is that we can come up with stories and scenarios that can thrill or frighten us. Unfortunately, our bodies can't really discern the difference. If you read a book or watch a movie that frightens you, your body undergoes the same physical stress as if you were the one in danger.
If you spend a great deal of time worrying, comparing yourself unfavorably or just mentally beating yourself up, your body will pay the price. Guard your thoughts and use them to be kind to yourself—it’s important for self care.