Show Off Your Fluff III
It's that time of year again. Pull out your favorite picture and get ready to enter to win to have your face on our brand for 2021.
Submit a picture where you feel the most beautiful. Can submit up to two pictures. Option second entry for any photo summited wearing our brand.
Entries excepted today until 1/30/21. Voting will take place on our Facebook from 2/5/2021 to 2/19/2021. You can take a look at last years entries by clicking here: Show Off Your Fluff II Entries & Show Off Your Fluff I
Two winners will be selected.
1st Place Winner will be picked by the most votes received by 2/19.
2nd Place winner will be selected randomly for the entries submitted wearing our brand.
What you win
Submission will be turned into a caricature.
Your caricature will be featured on our brand.
Each winner will get $100 e-gift card and a gift basket of items featuring there caricature.
Good luck and to enter click here
Questions e-mail info@mybeautifulfluff.com
I’m loving what I see and hopefully soon will be purchasing from you. I need to find something cute before august for my 52nd birthday.
Hello! I just came across your company on Facebook. I would love to purchase a tee shirt and also enter the contest. How can I submit my pictures for the contest?