Cultivate Self-Love with this New Body Positive Guided Journal!
Have you ever struggled with body image?
Well, you’re certainly not alone. But just know that you don’t have to live that way- you can choose self-love and become body positive with guided journals like Beautiful Me!
Self-reflect through journaling and fall in love with the soul inside you. Embrace your body. There’s nothing wrong with it. It is just the way it needs to be. It is not too fat or too thin- it is just right!
Besides, you are more than just a body- you are a soul! Celebrate your being by learning to become more body-positive. After all, self-love begins with self-reflection and self-acceptance. Accept you as you are. Today. You look great, so cherish it!
But Can a Guided Journal Help Cultivate Self-Love?
Are you wondering, can journaling really help change the way you view yourself?
Well, then, the simple answer is yes!
Sure, you’ve probably thought over your insecurities time and time again. But have you ever considered why they exist in the first place? Why don’t you like who you are?
They say you can't judge a book by its cover- and they're right! You see, you can't bring yourself to love you because you don't even know who you are! And come on, how can you love someone you barely know?
You see, being born in this body does not mean you truly know who you are. You are missing one very crucial element called self-reflection. You must self-reflect to get to know the real you and finally make peace with yourself.
You’re not so bad, and you’d know that if you ever paid attention! Have you ever stopped to think of you- who you are, what you like, or simply what you like most about yourself?
Through journaling, you allow yourself to dedicate a few minutes of the day to just being and celebrating yourself. Maintaining a journal allows you to give yourself the spotlight every now and then. To just reflect and really take the time to understand yourself.
As Steven Cuoco rightly said, “Take a moment to sit with yourself, and you may find what you’re looking for.”
You see, when you sit by yourself and organize your thoughts through a guided journal, you are spending quality time with yourself. You’re getting to know you, and hopefully, starting to love you, too. Self-love begins with getting to know yourself, and the best to do it is to take time out for yourself every day.
Beautiful Me: A Body Positive Guided Journal
Now that you know guided journals can help you develop a sense of self-love, it only makes sense to ask- which one?
Well, we suggest the ‘Beautiful Me: A Body Positive Guided Journal,' which is guaranteed to have your head over heels after yourself by the end of the 98 page-goodness! This guided journal comes with lots of uplifting quotes and journaling prompts like naming your favorite body part to get you started with thinking about the things you already love about yourself and then building up from there.
Also, of course, it features sections where you can add your most beautiful pictures, because really, why not?
What’s more, it also includes positive habit tracker pages to foster good habits that make you like you and some general notes pages as well. Overall, this body-positive journal allows you to work on yourself and then naturally progress to a state of self-love that is so real and natural- because you really truly love yourself. Get it here now and get ready for an exciting journey of self-love, acceptance, and body positivity!